Annual Report 2017-2018

Looking ahead, getting ready

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7. Retention

In order to adopt adequate policies favouring retention, it is necessary to understand the strong trends that explain long-term settlement as well as departures. Regarding this, it would be appropriate to look at the model developed for the Francophones of Northern Canada60 to create an evaluation grid relevant to Ontario. That grid considers the factors that affect the migratory trajectory of new Francophone immigrants. This model enables us to properly understand their trajectory, marked by mobility across the entire immigration continuum (from departure, or departure planning, until a more or less lasting settlement).

Specifically, regarding the retention of international students after completing their degree, an interesting practice is the Programme de rétention des étudiants internationaux, a multiparty initiative in New Brunswick. This program aims at improving professional integration of international students who graduated in the Greater Moncton region.61 This initiative could serve as a source of inspiration for Ontario.

  1. Traisnel,C., Étude du profil des migrants et immigrants francophones dans les territoires du Nord canadien, Université de Moncton, 2016.
  2. For more details, see (accessed in March 2018).

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