Annual Report 2017-2018

Looking ahead, getting ready

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5. Settlement

Programs and services

The former Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration supports the provision of settlement services through community partners. The Newcomer Settlement Program provides funding to organizations that offer settlement and integration services to newcomers in English or French. The Ministry also supports the provision of specialized employment and training services through the Ontario Bridge Training Program. Bridge Training helps skilled immigrants access the labour market quickly at a level commensurate with their qualifications. Bridge Training services are delivered by community organizations, universities, colleges and regulators. Some Bridge Training projects are geared to francophone immigrants.

In addition, adult language-training programs allow eligible immigrants to take free English or French-as-a-second- Language (ESL/FSL) courses offered by school boards, colleges or community organizations. To be eligible, the newcomer‘s native language must not be English, which means that an English-speaking immigrant cannot take a French-as-a-second-language course.51 Other organizations also receive funding from CLIC and LINC. The federal government also funds the delivery of settlement, adult English/French as a second language training and employment services for immigrants and refugees, who are permanent residents. MCI funded services have broader eligibility criteria and extend services to naturalized Canadian citizens and refugee claimants, in addition to permanent residents.

An important element that stands out from the Livre blanc of the Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario52 is that “the funding formula based on the volume of immigrant intake is not appropriate for linguistic minority organizations.” Criteria based on the number of clients served corresponds to a majority context.

The funding method often leads to competition for grants between groups. Such a situation presents a risk in terms of good governance. Some organizations might be tempted not to refer clients to other organizations.

A lack of resources leads to incomplete welcoming and settlement services in French in numerous regions, which can make integration into the Francophone community even more difficult.53 It is of great importance that French- language organizations receive adequate funding to provide a full range of services.

To do so, and as an example, the creation of a Francophone Immigrant Guide similar to a travel guide, would be a form of active offer to promote the various services and programs offered by the province, such as specific programs aimed at French-speaking immigrants, education in French, health services designated to provide services in French, etc. The information already exists, but is scattered across Ontario and customized for each organization. This kind of guide could be included in a welcome kit for all newcomers coming to Service Ontario to obtain a health card or driver’s license.

  1. For more details, see (accessed in March 2018).
  2. Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario, L’immigration francophone en Ontario, Livre blanc, Ottawa, 2017, p. 17.
  3. Ibid, p. 15.

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