Complaint statistics
In the 2016-2017 fiscal year, the Commissioner’s Office received 301 complaints. There are a large number of individual complaints on a wide array of issues and genuine concerns ranging from the lack of French-language services at a service counter, to English-only correspondence, to services in French that are not of equivalent quality as services provided in English.
Category | Total |
Low Impact | 3 |
Inadmissible | 85 |
Admissible | 213 |
TOTAL | 301 |
Inadmissible Complaints | Total |
Province* | 37 |
Private | 19 |
Municipal | 13 |
Federal | 9 |
Frivolous/vexatious/in bad faith | 7 |
TOTAL | 85 |
* Complaints about services in non-designated areas.
Geographic distribution of 2016–2017 complaints | % |
Eastern Ontario | 48.5% |
Central Ontario | 31.6% |
Northeastern Ontario | 8% |
Out-of-Designated-Areas | 7.6% |
Southwestern Ontario | 3% |
Northwestern Ontario | 1.3% |
Admissible Complaints by Institution | Total |
Legislative Assembly* | 4 |
Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development | 18 |
Ministry of the Attorney General | 23 |
Ministry of Children and Youth Services | 6 |
Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration | 1 |
Ministry of Community and Social Services | 1 |
Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services | 2 |
Ministry of Education | 13 |
Ministry of Energy | 6 |
Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change | 1 |
Ministry of Finance | 6 |
Ministry of Government and Consumer Services | 14 |
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care | 27 |
Ministry of Infrastructure | 1 |
Ministry of Labour | 2 |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry | 2 |
Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport | 4 |
Ministry of Transportation | 12 |
Municipalities** | 4 |
Other institutions*** | 65 |
Treasury Board Secretariat | 1 |
TOTAL | 213 |
* Complaints related to entities that report directly to the Legislative Assembly.
** Complaints deemed admissible when they are brought against a municipality that has a by-law that guarantees the provision of French-language services.
*** Complaints within the provincial government’s purview and related to agencies created or mandated by various ministries to offer programs and services that, in cases of devolution, were previously delivered by the province.