Annual Report 2014-2015

A Voice for the Voiceless

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Services for parents of dyslexic children

In 2014, the Commissioner’s Office was contacted about French-language services for parents of dyslexic children or children with learning disabilities. This issue falls within the purview of the Ministry of Education, with which the Commissioner’s Office has already initiated a productive dialogue. So far, the conversations have resulted in a better understanding of the issues that, ultimately, affect dyslexic Francophone children.

In Ontario, there are two organizations in this area: the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO), which provides services and resources to people with learning disabilities, whether they are children, parents, teachers or professionals in the field, and the Association francophone de parents d’enfants dyslexiques ou ayant tout autre trouble d’apprentissage (AFPED+). This association provides support to Francophone parents in Ontario who have a child with learning disabilities. The two associations are non-profit organizations. Thus, funding is a critical issue when it comes to meeting the needs of Francophones with dyslexia or learning disabilities. The Commissioner’s Office wonders whether the Ministry of Education, through its support for the LDAO, is sufficiently supporting parents of Francophone children with learning disabilities.

Consequently, the Commissioner’s Office intends to keep an eye on this issue while maintaining its useful dialogue with the Ministry.

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