Annual Report 2013-2014

Rooting for Francophones

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Recommendation 2

The Commissioner recommends that the Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs:

a. Table in the Legislative Assembly, pursuant to section 11(3) of the French Language Services Act, a detailed, engaged, and relevant annual report on the business of the Office of Francophone Affairs

b. Ensure that her annual report provides an update on the actions undertaken with respect to each duty that the Act confers upon her, particularly sections 11 (2) (a), (b), (c) and (e), and that the Act confers upon the Office of Francophone Affairs, particularly sections 12 (2) (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e)

The Commissioner also recommends that the Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs attempt to meet, at least once a year, with the Standing Committee assigned to the Office of Francophone Affairs to discuss issues relating to Francophone affairs and the delivery of services in French.

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