Annual Report 2013-2014

Rooting for Francophones

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An exciting time

Anyone who believes this independence from the government is just a “formality” should think again! The repercussions are both weighty and extremely beneficial:¹ Ontario’s Francophonie now enjoys a permanent presence in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.

This is an exciting time because the citizens of Ontario now have the benefit of an institution shielded from political whims, which ensures not only equitable delivery of services in French on their behalf but also – and perhaps more important – full development of the Francophone community.

Francophone citizens will definitely be the first to benefit from this transition, but the impact on Ontario society at large must not be overlooked, especially for Francophiles, those important citizens who base the value of a language not on the number of its speakers but on its contribution to society.

1Office of the French Language Services Commissioner, Straight Forward, Annual Report 2011-2012, Toronto, 2012.

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