Annual Report 2013-2014

Rooting for Francophones

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Memorandum of Understanding: Translation Criteria for the Purpose of Publication in the Environmental Assessment Process

Under the Environmental Assessment Act, the environmental assessment (EA) program ensures that public concerns are heard and balances economic, social, cultural, and natural environmental needs so that projects benefit Ontario.

The EA process is proponent-driven and is not subject to the French Language Services Act (FLSA) unless a project is located in – or may have an impact on – a designated area. In such cases, the Ministry has an obligation to ensure that government-issued notices and documentation are produced and available in French.

In order to establish clear translation criteria, the Environmental Approvals Branch, the Environmental Approvals Access and Service Integration Branch, and the Ministry’s French Language Services Office developed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that categorizes each type of document produced in the EA process and indicates under what circumstances documents must be translated.

The MOU encourages Francophones to participate in this process by ensuring that they receive all materials in French in designated areas.

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