Annual Report 2013-2014

Rooting for Francophones

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Community initiatives supports through the Action Research

Three projects targeting Franco-Ontarian communities are developing resources and supporting training and mentoring initiatives through Community Action Research (CAR), MCYS and EDU. This joint initiative aims to support communities in developing and testing strategies and approaches for the integration and improvement of child and family services.

The North East Regional French Language Network recommends specific actions that can be taken to implement “active offer” in conjunction with the current Cultural and Linguistic Competency Framework, which provides information and suggests activities through a web portal and activities for delivering more responsive services for Francophone and Aboriginal families.

The South East Regional French Language Network has developed a web portal and a unified communication strategy, including the use of social media tools, to promote available French-language services for children and families. The London community is training and mentoring French-speaking early childhood educators in the principles of the Early Learning Framework, particularly for French-speaking staff who are recent immigrants to Canada, to improve the quality of early learning programs in the London-Middlesex community.

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