Annual Report 2013-2014

Rooting for Francophones

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Children and Youth

For [Francophone students], showing pride entails waking up in the morning, heading to school knowing the challenges that await and, if we’re lucky, pursuing our postsecondary studies in French as well. It won’t be until later in life that we’ll truly appreciate the gift we have. But what can I say? C’est la vie!(13)

Any organization that cares about disadvantaged populations will regard children and youth services as critical. The Commissioner’s Office is no exception. Children and youth are obviously not going to demand services in French, much less file a complaint if such services are not available. The Commissioner would never be naïve enough to equate this silence with the comforting conclusion of a job well done. Like the providers of children and youth services, he has a duty to go beyond what’s easy and look out for this group.

13. Justin Dallaire, “Challenges of French youth”, St Catharines Standard, January 5, 2010

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