Annual Report 2013-2014

Rooting for Francophones

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The 5% target

In 2012, the Ontario government announced the development of its first immigration strategy to attract more highly skilled workers in support of the development and enhancement of Ontarian society, including the Francophone community. This clear goal and this leadership by the government were reflected in the announcement of a 5% target for Francophone immigration, which will certainly contribute to the vitality and the social, economic and cultural development of the Francophone community if it is reached.

The Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade pledged to incorporate this target into every class of federal and provincial immigration program. In fact, the province is overseeing, jointly with the federal government, the work of developing the new Expression of Interest system to be implemented sometime in 2015. This opportunity should undoubtedly help the Ontario government promote its 5% target and incorporate in this new system the specific characteristics of Francophone immigration in Francophone minority communities.

In its recent strategic planning exercise, the Commissioner’s Office team identified Francophone immigration as a priority issue in which it intends to get involved and play an active role. This concern is shared by the language commissioners of Canada, New Brunswick and Ontario, and they are currently collaborating and pooling their efforts for a joint project in the coming months in keeping with their respective jurisdictions.


  1. Paysages-tschirhart

    « Il faut essayer d’encourager, d’avoir des cliniques ou tous les services seraient offerts en francais. Nous autres les aines on est un peu preoccupes par ca parce qu’evidemment la population est vieillissante de plus en plus », s’inquiete Mme Allard.

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