1.1 Video Transcript

Chapter 1

An Organizational Story

1.1 The First Six Years

The Commissioner’s speech at the Club canadien de Toronto business lunch on November 20, 2012 (filmed and broadcast by GroupeMédia TFO)

Please note that in this transcript,

  • François Boileau” refers to Mr. François Boileau, French Language Services Commissioner of Ontario;
  • Hélène Roussel” refers to Ms. Hélène Roussel, Executive Director of RefletSalvéo;
  • Léonie Tchatat” refers to Ms. Léonie Tchatat, Executive Director of La Passerelle-I.D.É.;
  • Mikale-Andrée Joly” refers to Ms. Mikale-Andrée Joly, Director of Corporate Relations, Conseilscolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud.


François Boileau ― There’s a lot going on this year. Today we’re issuing a joint news release with the Attorney General of Ontario. You heard it here first. It’s excellent news. It’s a very concrete commitment by the Attorney General to try to resolve the alarming situation regarding access to French-language services in the justice system.

François Boileau ― In immigration, a target of 5% has been set. So things are moving. We’re expecting changes in postsecondary education, especially in Central-Southwestern Ontario.

François Boileau ― So I think that for an office of six people, we’re pretty happy with what we’re doing, not to mention all the complaints that we receive and the changes we’re making in citizens’ standard of living more or less on a daily basis.

Hélène Roussel ― I’m working on developing French-language services in the health sector. Now it’s clear that in the health sector, there’s still a lot of work to be done, but I feel satisfied with the work that’s being done, with the way the system is opening up.

Léonie Tchatat ― Commissioner Boileau is doing an excellent job. Relations are very positive, and since then, we’ve seen, in any case, a distinct improvement in what’s being done.

Mikale-Andrée Joly ― I represent a school board, and it’s important for us to encourage our young people to assert themselves, to state their views. A personal example: My son got a ticket, so I encouraged him to request a trial in French, which he did, so I was very proud.

François Boileau ― I think some positive things are happening, and there are still many challenges, of course, a lot more work to be done. I think the need for a commissioner is still there, unfortunately I should say, in a way. But at least there’s some progress, some movement, and as long as things are moving and going in the right direction … You know, in a minority situation, if you’re not moving forward, you’re moving backward, so we have to move forward.


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