Chapter 1

An Organizational Story

1.1 The First Six Years

View the introductory video for this chapter, a production of Groupe Média TFO (this video is available in French only – read the transcript of this video)


Read the transcript of this video

The Office of the French Language Services Commissioner has come a long way since it was established on September 4, 2007. The challenges back then were monumental: build an organization from scratch; publicize it; quickly demonstrate its effectiveness to the provincial government; establish credible complaint investigation and resolution procedures; bring about a change of behaviour or attitude within provincial government organizations; prove its relevance to Ontario’s Francophone population; and inspire confidence that systemic changes would take place in response to the complaints that would soon start flowing in.

Despite the size of this undertaking, the Commissioner rapidly surrounded himself with a competent, dedicated staff, and everyone bent to the task with the sole motive of serving Ontario’s public. The Commissioner’s Office subsequently adopted a vision to encapsulate all of its actions:

The Office of the French Language Services Commissioner works to ensure active, integrated delivery of French-language services in support of the development of the Francophone community and Ontarian society.

In pursuing this goal, the Commissioner’s Office is guided by many values, including the following, which best characterize the team’s day-to-day activities: listening, respect, integrity, transparency and quality.

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