2010-2011 ODA Accessibility Plan
ISSN 1923-9815 (online)
ISSN 1923-9807 (print)
Table of contents
Report on Accessibility Achievements for 2009-2010
Report on Accessible Customer Service Requirements
Information and Communication Commitments
Other Accessibility Commitments
Accessibility Improvement Initiatives to Identify, Remove or Prevent Barriers in preparation for AODA standards currently under development
Act(s) and Regulation(s) being reviewed to Identify Barriers to Persons with Disabilities
Glossary of Terms/Acronyms
For More Information
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act AODA, 2005 sets out the roadmap to make Ontario accessible by 2025. Under this act, accessibility standards are being developed and implemented to break down barriers in key areas of everyday life.
These standards will increase accessibility for people with disabilities in the areas of customer service, information and communications, employment, transportation and the built environment.
The government of Ontario is preparing to lead the way towards an accessible province, in 2010 the government of Ontario was the first public service organization to report compliance with the first standard — Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Regulation (Ontario Regulation 429/07).
As we await for the additional standards under AODA, we are guided by the Ontario Human Rights Code and obligations set out in the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 (ODA).
Each year, the government sets the course to prevent, identify and remove barriers through annual accessibility plans required under the ODA.
Building on last year’s plan, the 2010-11 accessibility plans will continue moving the Office of the French Language Services Commissioner towards the goal of an accessible province for all Ontarians.
To view other ministries’ Accessibility Plans please visit: Ontario.ca
Report on Accessibility Achievements for 2009-2010
The Office of French Language Services Commissioner (OFLSC) is an agency to the government of Ontario. It is made up 5 permanent staff. Our on-going commitment is to ensure the Government is accountable for the integration and the active provision of French language services in the deliver of its programs, policies and services in accordance with the French Language Services Act . A major component of our work is to follow-up on complaints received by members of the public. In this respect our practice is always to attentively listen to the public’s concerns and on how to accommodate special needs. OFLSC will continue to monitor the provision of its services to people with disabilities and undertake a review of current practices and procedures.
The Office of French Language Services will continue to ensure that it is in full compliance with the Accessibility Standards for Customer Services.
Focus Area: Training
- OFLSC staff received the following training:
- Completion of the two parts of “May I help you?” – December 2009
- Reception staff was trained on the use of TTY line, by the Canadian Hearing Society – May 2008.
- Communications Officer has received training on posting on-line material in compliance with AODA – Winter 2009
Focus Area: Built Environment
- Since the First Ontario French Language Services Commissioner took office in November 2007, a “buzz button has been installed to assist member of the public with reduced mobility.
- The Office space is designed to accommodate wheelchair accessibility.
- Each individual office space is designed to accommodate wheelchair accessibility.
- The Office is situated on the South West corner of Bay & Gerrard Streets, therefore it has a full spectrum of natural lights throughout the office.
Report on Accessible Customer Service Requirements
The Accessibility Standards for Customer Service (Ontario Regulation 429/07) came into force on January 1, 2008. All OPS ministries were required to comply with the Regulation by January 1, 2010.
The OPS was the first public organization to file their compliance report with the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario in January 2010. In order to sustain compliance with the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Regulation, it is vital that ministries continue to look for opportunities through their accessibility planning process, to continue to embed accessibility in all areas of planning, programs and policies.
The Office of French Language Services Commissioner continues to work diligently to comply with the Accessibility Standards.
Focus Area: Customer Service
Commitment: Ongoing
Training on the provision of goods or services on a number of topics as outlined in the customer service standard.
This includes:
- Ensuring back-up staff at reception area is able to communicate with a person with a disability in a manner that takes into account his or her disability (ie., TTY line, etc) at all time.
- New staff will receive training covering areas outlined in the Accessible Customer Service Regulation. The training will be mandatory for all new staff.
Implementation Timeframe: October 2010 – October 2013
Focus Area: Customer Service
Commitment: Ongoing
Review and amend policies, practices and procedures to ensure provision of services to people with disabilities.
Planned Action(s):
Continue to ensure that our policies, practices and procedures are consistent with the core principles of independence, dignity, integration, equality and opportunity.
Implementation Timeframe: Ongoing – 2010-2013
Focus Area: Customer Service
Commitment: Ongoing
The OFLSC applies the accessibility policies in dealing with the public and embodies the above principles in its employment practices.
Planned Action(s):
We are committed to ensure that new policies, practices or procedures result in providing services and meet the needs of people with a disability. No new policies, practices or procedures were developed in 2009-2010.
Under the Customer Service Regulation 429/07, the Office will continue to report requirements and comply with the regulation by ensuring that this policy is embedded into our specific practices, policies and procedures and that accessibility becomes part of regular practices, including interactions with members of the public.
Implementation Timeframe: 2010-2013
Focus Area: Customer Service
Service to clients accessing our services whether in person or through remote access (Internet/website, telephone, TTY line, etc.)
Commitment: Ongoing
Planned Action(s):
Allow people to use their own personal assistive devices to use our services such as wheelchairs, scooters, voice activated computers etc. People with disabilities are also allowed to be accompanied by their guide dog or service animal in our office and/or are permitted to bring a support person with them while accessing our services.
There is also a particular effort to make the staff more sensitive to attitudinal barriers, especially in dealing with customers with developmental/intellectual or invisible disabilities.
Implementation Timeframe: 2010-2013
Focus Area: Customer Service
Commitment: Ongoing
Notices of Service Disruptions are posted in a timely manner, as warranted.
Planned Action(s):
Ensure Notices of Service Disruptions are posted in a timely manner, consistent with regulatory requirements. This will ensure that the public and OPS staff are aware of disruptions in services normally used by persons with disabilities and any alternatives that are available throughout the disruption.
Implementation Timeframe: Ongoing – 2010-2011
Focus Area: Customer Service
Commitment: Ongoing
Review and take action on feedback received about accessibility, respond and report as required.
Planned Action(s):
To meet our commitment to continuous improvement in the way the OPS delivers goods and services to the public and each other
Implementation Timeframe: October 2010 – October 2011
Information and Communication Commitments
Information and the methods of communication are key to delivering many government programs and services to the public. It is essential that we provide the same quality and service to everyone in the province.
In anticipation of the pending standards guiding Information and Communications, the government of Ontario is continuously looking for opportunities to prevent and remove barriers to persons with disabilities when creating, procuring, conveying, receiving or distributing information and communications to the public.
Focus Area: Information and Communication
Commitment: New
Require staff to incorporate accessibility considerations into the preparation of communication materials to ensure that communication products are accessible to everyone.
Planned Action(s):
Ensure all staff are kept informed of new directives/best practices, as they are received.
Implementation Timeframe: October 2010- October 2011
Other Accessibility Commitments
Accessibility Improvement Initiatives to Identify, Remove or Prevent Barriers in preparation for AODA standards currently under development.
In anticipation of the upcoming standards the Government of Ontario has planned several corporate initiatives in the following areas, Transportation, Employment, Built Environment and others. The goal of these focus areas is to make it easier for people with disabilities to travel in Ontario, ensure accessibility for people with disabilities across all stages of the employment life cycle and break down barriers in buildings. Many of the corporate initiatives identified for 2010-2011 aim to support ministries in their journey towards compliance with the upcoming standards.
To review a list of corporate initiatives please refer to the Ministry of Government Services 2010-2011 Accessibility Plan.
Focus Area: Employment
Commitment: Ongoing
The OFLSC will continue to ensure there are no potential barriers in employment policies, processes, practices or tools for people with disabilities.
Planned Action(s):
As part of the hiring process, the OFLSC will inform the candidate(s) that accommodation is available on request; and provide accommodations to all applicants during the entire hiring process.
Implementation Timeframe: October 2010 – October 2011
Act(s), Regulation(s), Policy(s) being reviewed to prevent Barriers to Persons with Disabilities
In support of the commitment to remove and prevent barriers for persons with disabilities, the Government of Ontario will continue to review all new legislation, and policies under development to identify and remove barriers.
Additional Information:
The Office of French Language Services Commissioner is committed to identifying and removing barriers for persons with disabilities in its office and will ensure that the policies, directives developed by the OPS Diversity Office are utilized when reviewing and developing new policies, programs, legislations and regulations.
Glossary of Terms/Acronyms
AODA – Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
OFLSC – Office of French Language Services Commissioner
OPS – Ontario Public Service
ODA – Ontarians with Disabilities Act
For More Information
Questions or comments about the ministry’s accessibility plan are always welcome.
Please phone:
General inquiry number: 416-314-8013
TTY number: 416-314-0760
E-mail: flsc-csf@ontario.ca
Ministry website address: www.flsc.gouv.on.ca
Visit the Ministry of Community and Social Services Accessibility Ontario web portal. The site promotes accessibility and provides information and resources on how to make Ontario an accessible province for everyone.
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Copyright: Queen’s Printer for Ontario
ISSN 1923-9815 (online)
ISSN 1923-9807 (print)
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