A Look Back at the Last Few Months, Part 3: The Reflet Salvéo Forum, a Conference in London, the OMSSA Symposium, a Visit to Sudbury, the Association of Ontario Health Centres and the Table de concertation francophone de London
Following the recent publication of the first and second blog posts to highlight a number of events that I attended in 2013, today I’m going back to the month of June, my first stop being June 6, which, by the way, was the day after my 2012-2013 Annual Report was released. It was on that date that Reflet Salvéo held a forum entitled “La Francophonie au pluriel : en parler pour mieux la comprendre et mieux la servir” [Francophonie in the plural: let’s talk about it so we can understand and serve it better], which I attended as a guest speaker.
A few days later, on June 11, 2013, there was a conference on the active delivery of French-language services in London, which focused more specifically on the recruitment and retention of bilingual staff, like another conference I attended previously in Kingston. I gave a presentation on the subject, bearing in mind the third recommendation of my 2012-2013 Annual Report, of course, especially since I had just made it public the previous day.
Then, on June 17, I attended the Learning Symposium, “Whole Child = Whole Community” and the Annual General Meeting of the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA), under the umbrella of a single event, and I gave a speech on the importance of the active offer of French-language services.
On September 12, I delivered an address at the Annual General Meeting of the Children’s Aid Society of the Districts of Sudbury and Manitoulin in Sudbury, after which I met with the organization’s Francophone staff members as part of an internal summit. I took advantage of my visit to Sudbury to meet with Pierre Riopel, the new president of Collège Boréal, and to participate in an ACFO du Grand Sudbury conference luncheon, which Mr. Riopel attended as a guest speaker.
Next, on September 17, I gave a presentation to the board of directors of the Association of Ontario Health Centres in Toronto. I am grateful to the Association for its very warm welcome.
On September 18, I was in London for a networking luncheon of the Table de concertation francophone de London (TCFLO), organized in conjunction with the Centre communautaire régional de London, as part of a regional exhibition on French-language services.
I will continue my year-end review in a subsequent blog post, covering other important events that I had the opportunity to attend in 2013. See you soon!