Honourable Mention: Optimizing Bed Occupancy at the Pavillon Omer Deslauriers and the Memory Centre Project within Bendale Acres Long-term Care Facility

Thanks to the efforts of the Central and Central-East Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs), a Steering Committee was developed together with Entité 4 [Entity 4], one of the six French Language Health Planning Entities (FLHPEs), in June 2012. The purpose of the Steering Committee is to serve as a forum for exchange and collaboration between stakeholders in long-term care in order to optimize bed occupancy by Francophone patients at Pavillon Omer Deslauriers, and to work on establishing a Memory Centre within the Bendale Acres Long-Term Care Facility. For this reason, the Steering Committee oversees two subcommittees; the Bed Occupancy Subcommittee and the Memory Center Subcommittee.

Although not a specific objective of the Central-East LHIN’s 2012-2013 Joint Action Plan, this collaboration with Entité 4 reaffirms its commitment to support the needs of the Francophone population. What a great commitment on the part of all the parties involved!

The Honourable Mentions Series is a series of 15 blog posts that the Commissioner is releasing to individually highlight initiatives by government ministries and agencies that demonstrate efforts to expand the delivery of high-quality French-language services, as listed in his 2012-2013 Annual Report. The full list of honourable mentions and the relevant blog posts are available here.

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