Introduction of Legislation on the Independence of the French Language Services Commissioner

I just posted a news release with my reactions following the introduction of bill 106 on the independence of the French Language Services Commissioner yesterday at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. If this bill is passed, the resulting amendments to the French Language Services Act will make the French Language Services Commissioner an officer of the Legislature.

In my opinion, there could not have been better Francophone affairs news than the introduction of this bill on Franco-Ontarian Day. Why? Well, I have already gone over the reasons why it is so important that the position of Commissioner reports to the Legislature both on my blog and at section 2.1 of my 2012-2013 Annual Report. Let me go over them quickly once again:

–          For political non-interference;

–          For involvement of MPPs;

–          For independence in legal terms;

–          For financial accountability and ability to act; and

–          For administrative independence.

Please do not hesitate to refer to these sections once again to get a better picture of the situation.

I am grateful to the Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs and the Francophone Affairs Critics for their contribution and support which were instrumental on carrying the bill quickly through the first and second readings. I hope, of course, that this support continues in the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly and through the third reading. Stay tunned!

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