New Direction: Ontario’s Immigration Strategy

New Direction: Ontario’s Immigration Strategy

Great news: the government sets to achieve 5% Francophone immigration. This audacious target is an excellent news for Francophones, because it will certainly contribute to the vitality and development of the Francophone community.

In fact, the government has just published New Direction: Ontario’s Immigration Strategy. This initiative highlights a number of objectives such as increasing the proportion of economic immigrants for up to 70% or doubling of the Provincial Nominee Program limit to 2,000 in 2013.

In sum, this strategy has very interesting initiatives. This is particularly the case of the training with the aim to improve access to French and English language training programs. However, it remains, yet, to identify measures that will be implemented to achieve all targets since some of them are shared by the two levels of government especially in the selection and reception of immigrants.

Finally, it is important to note that this strategy also relies on collaboration both internally and outside of the government. The idea of establishing an annual Minister’s Table with employers to discuss immigration needs and challenges as well as creating an annual Ministers’ Forum to drive a “no wrong door” approach to immigrant services across government perfectly illustrates this mindset. Collaboration will also be necessary to ensure that both levels of government use the same criteria to define Francophones, i.e. Ontario’s Inclusive Definition of Francophone. To be continued.


  1. Jean-Pierre Cantin

    En effet excellente nouvelle bien que le mot Francophone ne se retrouve qu’une seule fois dans ce document de 19 pages. Enfin à tout le moins il est à la bonne place. Il s’agira de voir maintenant comment se fera la mise en oeuvre de cette cible, particulièrement dans les régions où nos francophones sont en situation minoritaire et comment se fera, à cet égard, la sélection des immigrantes et des immigrants économiques. Comme le dit si bien le Commissaire…à suivre.

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