Visiting Sudbury and North Bay

There is no shortage of events to attend, these days, for members of the Francophone community!

Last night, I was in Sudbury for the biennial assembly of Ontario’s federation of Francophone seniors and retirees, the FAFO, where I had the honour of addressing over a hundred participants.

My speech, as you might have guessed, focussed on my latest annual report, and more specifically, on its first recommendation: a recommendation that has generated quite a bit of media interest. If you haven’t yet read this report, now is the time. I also urge you to read my message to the media delivered on May 31 as well as my letter to the editor published in Ottawa’s Le Droit newspaper on June 3.

Today I am in North Bay where, this morning, I had the opportunity to engage with Catholic high school students of the École catholique secondaire Algonquin. You know, each time I take part in these interactive visits with Francophone students from grades 11 and 12, I feel re-energized. These youngsters are not afraid to speak out and have inspiring ideas. Indeed, they fill me with hope and renewed confidence in the future of our province’s Francophone communities.

Finally, tonight, I will be attending the welcoming reception of the Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario’s annual meeting. On the menu: a public debate entitled “Au-delà des etiquettes” [beyond labels] featuring several high-profile participants including Benôit Pelletier, former Quebec minister for Intergovernmental and Francophone Affairs, Alain Buhon, Vice-president of the Union provinciale des minorités raciales et ethnoculturelles francophones and well-known lawyer Ronald Caza, who headed the Montfort Hospital court challenge. It promises to be a most interesting evening!

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